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The First Sunday after Trinity | 06/06/2021

Updated: Jun 16, 2021

Introduction to the Word and Liturgy for Worship

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. -2 Corinthians 4:16 (ESV)

God is creating within our inner nature a new person out of the old, so that when it is finished it will be completely new. It is by faith, not sight (5:7), however, that we understand that inwardly we are being renewed day by day’. The renewal of which he speaks is not something we see, feel or experience; it is apprehended by faith and hope..

The Collect of the Day

Grant, O Lord, that the course of this world may be so peaceably ordered by your providence, that your Church may joyfully serve you in quiet confidence and godly peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

The Word:

(Click on the links below to read Sunday's passages)

(click below on the Spotify Playlist to listen)

Psalm 130

1 Out of the deep have I called unto you, O Lord; *

Lord, hear my voice.

2 O let your ears consider well *

the voice of my supplications.

3 If you, Lord, were to mark what is done amiss, *

O Lord, who could abide it?

4 For there is mercy with you; *

therefore you shall be feared.

5 I wait for the Lord; my soul waits for him; *

in his word is my trust.

6 My soul waits for the Lord, *

more than watchmen for the morning,

more than watchmen for the morning.

7 O Israel, trust in the Lord, for with the Lord there is mercy, *

and with him is plenteous redemption;

8 And he shall redeem Israel *

from all their sins.

(from the New Coverdale Psalter as found in the 2019 Book of Common Prayer)


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